Mining Snapshot – United States
The United States is rich in natural resources and home to some of the world’s largest reserves of copper, coal, gold, and silver, producing over $90 billion of these minerals in 2021. Mining has been a vital industry in the United States for centuries, and the government has established numerous laws and regulations to govern […]
Aperçu de l’industrie minière en République démocratique du Congo
La République démocratique du Congo, ou RDC, est connue pour être le premier producteur mondial de cobalt, mais elle abrite également une grande variété de gisements minéraux de qualité, notamment d’étain, d’or, de coltan et de cuivre, dont les teneurs dépassent largement les moyennes mondiales. Malgré les difficultés liées aux infrastructures et à la sécurité, […]
Mining Snapshot – Democratic Republic of the Congo
The Democratic Republic of the Congo, or DRC, is known as the leading global producer of cobalt, but it also hosts a wide variety of world-class mineral deposits, including tin, gold, coltan, and copper with grades that greatly surpass global averages. Despite challenges relating to infrastructure and security, operators continue to invest and maintain operational footholds […]
Aperçu de l’industrie minière au Maroc
Le Royaume du Maroc a une longue et riche histoire dans l’industrie minière. En plus de ses vastes réserves de phosphate, d’autres minéraux abondent, notamment le cuivre, le manganèse, l’or et l’argent. Bien que celles-ci soient restées largement souterraines, la stratégie nationale de développement du Maroc vise à encourager leur exploration et leur développement, et […]
Mining Snapshot – Morocco
The Kingdom of Morocco has a long, rich history in the mining industry. In addition to its vast phosphate reserves, other minerals abound including copper, manganese, gold, and silver. While these have remained largely underground, Morocco’s national development strategy aims to encourage their exploration and development, and to triple mining revenues by the year 2025. […]
Mining Snapshot – Saudi Arabia
In recent years, Saudi Arabia has embarked on an impressive expansion of its mining sector. With large bauxite, copper, gold, phosphate, and uranium reserves, the Kingdom is developing its mining strategy in line with the Saudi Vision 2030. This has led to significant improvements in the mining investment framework, which includes a new mining law, […]
Mining Snapshot – Republic of Ireland
The Fraser Report 2021 ranks the Republic of Ireland amongst the top 10 nations in the world for its mining framework. Renowned for its zinc-lead operations, it also boasts significant gold and lithium deposits and plenty of potential. What’s the Mining Law? The Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications is responsible for overseeing the […]
Sage Partnership Relancera le Projet Manganèse à Kisenge
Serus Legal a aidé Sage Management à conclure un accord de partenariat pour relancer l’exploitation de la mine de manganèse de Kisenge à Lualaba, en République démocratique du Congo. Le partenariat prévoit la création d’une société en joint-venture, détenue à parts égales par Sage et le propriétaire actuel de la mine, la Société Commerciale la […]
Sage Partnership to Revive Kisenge Manganese Project
Serus Legal has assisted Sage Management in securing a partnership agreement to revive operations at the Kisenge manganese mine in Lualaba, Democratic Republic of the Congo. The partnership calls for the creation of a joint-venture company, owned 50-50 by Sage and the existing owner of the mine, Société Commerciale la Minière de Kisenge – Manganèse […]
Ookami en Processus d’Acquisition d’un Projet de Lithium au Mali
Ookami Limited (OOK) a conclu un accord pour l’acquisition de deux permis de lithium avancés au Mali, en Afrique de l’Ouest. Les permis Faraba et Gouna couvrent une superficie de 175 km2 dans la région de Sikasso au Mali, à environ 200 km de la capitale, Bamako. En acquérant le capital de First Lithium Pty […]